Sangria Rectangular Mirror

Sangria Rectangular Mirror

Angie Heinrich

Angie Heinrich’s journey with the mosaic art form is intensely spiritual as she strives to express an interconnected world where seemingly small and inconsequential experiences affect the whole. Mosaic is a medium effective at illustrating how carefully shaped pieces can unite with other tesserae to create something rich with texture, color, and meaning. There’s something magical about mosaic when it offers a detailed and holistic view simultaneously.

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Plum Bottom Road


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About the Artist

Angie Heinrich

Angie Heinrich

Angie Heinrich has been creating mosaics in Seattle, Washington for private collections, galleries, and public spaces since 1998 and has enjoyed every minute of it. She also finds sharing her knowledge and experience with students to be wonderfully satisfying and fulfilling.

She is drawn to soothing symmetries of sparkling glass tiles and beads that are often inspired by the rhythm and symmetry of Moroccan art and architecture. Her passion for this ancient art form led her to study with masters in Italy, Spain, and the US, who instilled in her a pride of workmanship expressed in each hand-crafted piece. She aspires to bring the joy of spirit she feels with the creation of each piece to the home of others.

Seafoam Drop Circular Mirror

Seafoam Drop Circular Mirror

Glass, Various Sizes Available

by Angie Heinrich

Various Sizes Available


Seafoam Leaf Mirror

Seafoam Leaf Mirror


by Angie Heinrich

Various Sizes Available


Seafoam Drop Oval Mirror

Seafoam Drop Oval Mirror


by Angie Heinrich

Various Sizes Available


Seafoam Leaf Rectangular Mirror

Seafoam Leaf Rectangular Mirror


by Angie Heinrich

Various Sizes Available
